About Us

What We're All About

As dog trainers, we coach GSD Guardians and their dogs to learn new skills, improve existing skills and work through behavioral challenges. We know and understand to start implementing successful plans in GSD Training no matter their age.

What To Expect When Caring For a German Shepherd Dog

Owing a dog is not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility. They depend on us for, at minimum, food and shelter, and deserve much more. When you take a dog in to your life, you need understand the commitment that dog ownership entails. 

About the Breed

Generally considered dogkind’s finest all-purpose worker the German shepherd dog is a medium to large, agile, muscular dog of noble character and high intelligence. Loyal, confident, courageous and steady, the German shepherd is truly a dog lovers delight. German shepherd dogs can stand as a high 26 inches at the shoulder and, present a picture of smooth, graceful curves rather than angles. The natural gait is free and far reaching but I can turn it up a notch or two and reach great speeds.


There are many reasons why German shepherds stand in front rank of canine and royalty, but expertise say their defining attribute is character: loyalty, courage, confidence the ability to learn commands for many tasks and willingness to put their life on the line in the defense of loved ones. German shepherds will be gentle family pets and stead fast guardians but the breed standard says, there’s a ‘certain aloofness’ this that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminating friendships.

Basic Obedience

GSD are active dogs and extremely intelligent.  Stimulation and boundaries need to be given for them to b happy and well-adjusted.  Basic Obedience is very important, and some owners forget (or perhaps do not realize) that it will eliminate the problem of having a “bad or difficult” dog to handle, with obedience training it establishes that you will be alpha in the pack. 

Basic Socialization

It is critical to do socialization with your GSD, the window for  a puppy socialization is as close as 12 to 16 weeks of their life.  The fact is GSD’s, are by nature protective guardians, socialization is extra important so that your puppy learns which strangers are friendly and not a treat.  They are very observant and will pick up on your cues and reactions around new people and the situations. 

Advanced Obedience

Is training that is focuses on gaining off leash skills.  This will assist you to be able to maintain control of your GSD off leash at safe distance without you becoming depended on an e-collar or shock collar.  With Positive reinforcement training we grow your skills that your GSD can explore the world off leash. 

Protection Training

Training your GSD to protect you when no one else. This can be when you are involved in hi-jacking, hold-up, gun attacks and attacks at home, with this class your GSD is trained to protect you when it is needed. These classes are aimed at confidence building and protection and not attack work.   Your GSD need distinguish when to bite & when not to.